Our theme this year is: Knights of North Castle by Cokesbury Publishing. Last year, we had a fully virtual VBS. This year, we are excited to be able to present a hybrid online AND in-person VBS experience. Once again, the majority of VBS will be done taking advantage of the online resources provided by Cokesbury, but we have built in two opportunities to gather together. We will launch our VBS on Sunday, July 4th. To celebrate everyone participating is invited to FUMC Navasota to enjoy a catered meal at 11:30 AM in the Fellowship Hall! This will give us an opportunity to gather together in a time of fellowship before the online VBS activities begin at 6:00 PM Sunday evening. The online portion of VBS will be linked on our website and Facebook page. We will have VBS kits available for our kids at the FUMC office for pick up during office hours 8:30-12:30 Monday to Friday. Each kit has all of the material needed for each day of VBS. On Thursday, July 8th, we will invite everyone participating, and who feels comfortable, to meet together at First Presbyterian Church of Navasota from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM! Our final day of VBS will be a traditional day of fun, games, crafts, food, and Bible lessons… and the kids’ favorite, lots of dancing!