Below are the minutes from our latest Admin. Meeting (to be approved at the next meeting) to keep you up-to-date on the life of the church.
Meeting Minutes
ATTENDEES: Jeremy Woodley, Ed & Jackie Martin, Hershel Perry, Reggie & Tessa Dent, Phillis Allen, Mark & Nancy Hvizdos
HANDOUTS: The following handouts were available at the meeting:
- 2023 Administrative Council of Ministries Makeup
- October 2022 Meeting Minutes
- Account Balance Sheet as of 3/28/23
- Church rosterCALL TO ORDER @ 6:05: Pastor Woodley opened in prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Phillis made a motion to approve the minutes from the Oct 18th meeting whichwas seconded by Ed. PASTOR’S REPORT:
- Charge Conference & District Superintendent – Last December, there was a special charge conference. Our current District Superintendent is leaving and Kip Kiltz will be taking over in July. His district will include both the Central North District as well as ours which is a change in set up, as there are now only 5 District Superintendents to take care of 9 districts. Kip has a home in the College Station area. The current district office at Christ Church in CS, will probably not be available to office in.
- Jeremy’s Move – will be moving July 1st. On March 25, there was a meeting with both Navasota and Anderson SPR, Jeremy, and the District Superintendent to discuss the path forward. At that time, the SPR filled out a profile with church goals and characteristics we’d like to see in our new pastor. Pat Gruner, from Navasota SPR had a template from the previous time which was still pretty much on target. The two positive things that we have with the search for a new pastor are: 1. Together, the 2 churches have a good compensation package. 2. The church has a good reputation, is in a good area, & people seem to get along.
Jeremy was asked to keep us posted and let the church know if there is anything we can do to assist him with the move and transition. - We now have a new bishop, Bishop Harvey, for two years only so that we can get back on our four- year schedule. She is from our conference who has worked with UMCOR at a world level as well as served as bishop of LA. On the conference website there is a link to her first open speaking tour.
- SPR REPORT – Nancy reported that the SPR had their quarterly meeting in February where we looked at our goals for the current year. As mentioned above, we had an additional meeting on March 25th discussing Jeremy’s family move. Over the next few months the District Superintendent will work with the team as needed in the selection and introduction of the new pastor.
- TRUSTEE REPORT – Ed reported the following:
- Ed will check with Foster Stain Glass in Bryan to see what can be done on the old stain glass windows where the lettering is no longer legible.
- Revisited the need to have the floor in the sanctuary refinished preferably using the 5th Sunday break for timing (April and July have 5th Sundays with a preference in April while Jeremy is still here). Ed will check with a contact that his daughter used. If need be, we could have the pews moved into the hall area and even have service there or outside while be worked on. The old bids varied between $3.5K – 10K.
- The door thresholds are rotting and need some attention as well as the front door needs to have a more durable finish put on. It was last done in 2018 which was a big undertaking. Mark mentioned that perhaps we could use a Marine Finish of some type.
- Phillis mentioned that we need to have someone meet with Ike, the sprinkler guy, to get them checked out before we start the watering season. Phillis will check with his schedule and notify Ed, Mark, Hershel and Reggie so that all can meet up and get an understanding of the system.
- April 5th, Bedford Insect Co will be at the church at 1:00 and will be spraying around and under the church and will need to have access. Mark or Nancy will be available, and Phillis will leave a check. Note: This does not include a termite inspection at this time.
- Ed also made mention if the church had considered helping out financially with the playground which we may address by or at the next Administrative Council Meeting.
- PLAYGROUND REPORT – Nancy & Phillis reported the following:
- Fundraisers: the garage sale brought in just shy of $4000 and the coin collections, nearly $850.
- Total to date: $20,322.75
- Path forward: it is now time to start entertaining vendor visits now that we have $20K. We hope tohave a meeting the second part of April with more information to follow.
- FINANCE – Phillis reported from the account balance handout
- The on-line giving account was rolled into a CD getting 4.4% interest. There was discussion on how to keep an on-live option still viable while paying minimal maintenance fees as well as to see what Navasota was doing. If it was as simple as needing an email address associated with an account, Jeremy could work with Stacey and Phillis and perhaps handle with just a click on a link to make the donation.
- The TMF (TX Methodist Funds) are not FDIC insured.
- The overall total balance of $236,883.25 includes the $20,322.75 from the playground fund.OTHER – there was mention of the new administrative council members and all were encouraged to grab that handout.
- The meeting was adjourned at 7:10.