Administrative Council Meeting

We are having our first quarter Administrative Council Meeting on Wednesday, March 29th, at 6:00.  Everyone is welcome to attend, hope to see as many of you as possible. Below are the minutes from our last Admin. Council meeting of 2022.



October 18, 2022

Meeting Minutes

ATTENDEES:  Pastor Woodley, Phillis & Kenneth Allen, Kristy LaBorde, and Mark & Nancy Hvizdos,

CALL TO ORDER @ 6:10 – Pastor Woodley opened in prayer after waiting an additional 10 minutes for more attendees.

HANDOUTS:  The following handouts were available at the meeting:

  • Administrative Council Meeting Minutes from 8/31/22
  • The list of those nominated to serve in the church during 2022
  • The result of the Discernment of Disaffiliation Survey 

The Meeting Minutes from 8/31/22 were approved by all, after a motion was made by Mark Hvizdos and seconded by Kenneth Allen.  

PATH FORWARD FOR THE UNITED METHODIST DENOMINATION – We discussed the results from the 21 members who had filled out the Discernment of Disaffiliation Survey. The majority believed that holding an official vote was not necessary and 2/3rds of the 21 votes would vote to continue in the UM denomination if asked to vote at that time.  We discussed the outcome and questioned if the sample size was sufficient.  It was determined that those who voted were the “regulars,” validating the number.  Since 2/3rd of the votes would be needed to disaffiliate, we discussed that the current path forward would be to carry on as we did prior to entering the discernment process noting that this can always be revisited in the future if need be. 


  • Addressing Long-Time Absent Church Members:  In an effort to reach out to those members that have been absent since covid, Jeremy will work with Stacy in sending out a card, letter on Methodist letterhead or something from a catalogue in attempts to reengage these members and let them know that they are missed.
  • All Saints Day:   is coming up and mentioned that Mr. Clyde Thomas would be remembered on this day.
  • Christmas, Dec. 25:   is on a Sunday this year and decided that Jeremy did NOT need to hold a service in Anderson on this day since we were having a Christmas Eve Service on Saturday.  Should Navasota UMC decide to hold a service, we would all be welcome to join them if desired.
  • Charge Conference:
    • November 10th at our church with the District Superintendent in attendance.  Prior to that, prayers are requested as the nomination committee looks to fill vacancies especially filling the lay leader position and engaging more younger members. 
    • We provided input on four questions that the District Superintendent was asking of us prior to the meeting focusing on the purpose of the church, the strengths, struggles and how he can assist.
  • Church Communications and Email distribution lists:  
    • Jeremy will include a comment in the bulletin for those not receiving electronic communications to contact Stacy at the church office.  
    • A link to the most recent Administrative Council Meeting Minutes will appear in the email blasts so that those who could not attend the meeting, have an opportunity to view the minutes.
    • Upcoming Administrative Council Meetings, will continue to be advertised in both the bulletin and email blasts as well as an opportunity to be added to an agenda ahead of time.
  • Finance and Playground Committee:  
    • Phillis gave a report that we currently have $6,602.31 in the playground fund.
    • On November 13th, we will start a drive with the kids decorating and passing out cans to fill with coins (or bills).  One of our youth will give an update in church that day.
    • Memorial funds – Phillis asked about the possibility of earmarking funds of $3183 that have accumulated from Memorials be transferred and used towards the playground.  A motion was made to move forward with this by Nancy Hvizdos and seconded by Kristy LaBorde with the condition that these folks being memorialized will be remembered in some manner.  All were in favor.


Next meeting was not decided.

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